[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you in search of SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AFGHANISTAN STUDENTS, students from Afghanistan looking for PhD scholarship, Masters Scholarships, Undergraduate scholarships and even international scholarships to fund their education abroad can always check this blog.
We do our best to provide you with the latest international Scholarships for Afghanistan Students which are announced by foreign universities and governments every year.
The list of scholarships we provide on this blog, range from fully funded to limited support or tuition fee waiver.
The Afghanistan Scholarships you will find on this blog are suggested as the best Scholarships for Afghanistan Students worldwide.
So once again, Are you from Afghanistan? looking for fully funded scholarships for Afghanistan students? Search no more.
Or are you from other parts of the world looking for Scholarship programs in Afghanistan we are here for you.
We have compiled a list of free scholarships for Afghanistan students.
Before you continue, there are a few important things you need to know about Scholarships for Afghanistan Students.
About Scholarships in Afghanistan
First of all, you need to know more about Afghanistan. You can’t just dive into searching for Scholarships for Afghanistan Students without knowing a few details of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is officially an Islamic Republic.
Afghanistan is a landlocked country located within the territory of South Asia and Central Asia.
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and in the far northeast.
The capital of Afghanistan is its largest city, Kabul. A serene city of mosques and gardens during the storied reign of the emperor Bābur (1526–30), founder of the Mughal dynasty.
About Afghanistan Education
Here’s a few things about Afghanistan Education that you really need to know.
The Basic Education in Afghanistan are K–12 and higher education, which is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is still currently going through a nationwide rebuilding process and, despite setbacks, institutions are still established across the country.
Through research, it has been said that Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, which is currently estimated at about 31% of the adult population (i.e over 15 years of age).
Female literacy levels are on average 17%, with high variation, which indicates a strong geographical and gender divide in Afghanistan.
It was said that in the year 2002, there was only an estimated one million children.
Most of which were males, and then only boys were allowed to attend schools, while females were almost completely excluded from the educational sector.
Ever since then, the Afghan government, the USAID, and international donors have been working together to help rebuild Afghanistan’s education sector.
International communities are also working with the Afghan Government to build sustainable schools which will in turn bring reformations to the education system of Afghanistan.
Although, despite the impressive metrics of organizations trying to build the educational sector of Afghanistan, the quality of education still remains the biggest challenge.
It has been said that most schools in Afghanistan lack proper facilities, even the Afghanistan law states that education is compulsory through class nine when children normally would be about 14 years of age.
Nevertheless in reality, many Afghan children have no access to education to this level and/or any level.
Due to this reason, we are always putting together a list of Scholarships for Afghanistan students who are willing to study abroad.
These scholarships for Afghanistan students that we provide, is made for students of all level of studies ranging from undergraduate, masters, PhD scholarships for Afghanistan Students.
Top Universities in Afghanistan
Just in case, you are looking to find Top Universities available in Afghanistan to select from.
Here are some of the top universities in Afghanistan
American University of Afghanistan
The American University of Afghanistan is Afghanistan’s only private, not-for-profit, non-partisan and co-educational university. It opened its doors in 2006 with an initial enrollment of 50 students, and today enrolls more than 1,700 full and part-time students.
It has produced 97 Fulbright Scholars and maintains partnerships with the world’s most prestigious universities, including Stanford University, University of Nebraska, and the University of California network.
Mawlana University
Mawlana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi one of the best private universities in the country. This university was established in 1385 and took his license from ministry of Higher Education in the following year. Throughout its ten years of experience, this academic institution has enjoyed excellent degrees of progress and now five faculty like medical faculty law, political science, economic journalism and education faculty operate within its framework.
Also throughout its ten years of experience has done a lot of changes and improvements. And having a good quality with the best serving this academic institution could upgrade it in 1392 from institution to University. Delivery that period it has more than thousand graduated students.
The university, which has received its official certificate from the Ministry of Higher Education in Afghanistan, has accepted nearly 300 students.The opening of the university is a great news for many young people in Mazar-i-Sharif and neighboring provinces in northern Afghanistan who have not been able to reach other universities in the country.
Kabul University
Kabul University is one of the ancient and main institutions of tertiary education in Afghanistan. Throughout, its background history since 1932 not only as it provided training to a huge number of Afghans but it has gained an immense reputation and popularity in the region by attracting the attention of students from neighborhood and developed countries.
Kabul University (KU) has a rich culture, historical strength, and academic excellence even bypassing decades of wars and internal instabilities in Afghanistan.
Taj Institute of Higher Education
The current students of Taj Institute of Higher Education recommend this university to students who wish to start their university career in Mazari sharif. Doing your studies in a quality university can make all the difference in both your academic and work life in the future.
Don’t forget to figure out in advance what procedures need to be done in advance, such as visas, certificates, permits, etc..
Qalam Institute of Health Science
Founded in 2013, Qalam Institute of Higher Education is a for-profit private higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kabul (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants). Officially accredited and/or recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Afghanistan, Qalam Institute of Higher Education is a coeducational higher education institution. Qalam Institute of Higher Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study.
Kardan University
For over 13 years, Kardan University has been at the forefront of educating and developing Afghanistan’s workforce with talented specialists, managers and leaders. While Afghanistan enters a challenging period of transition, Kardan University is redoubling their efforts to equip Afghan men and women with the required skills, knowledge and confidence to lead the country through their historical transformation.
More than ever before, Kardan University is focused on improving the quality of teaching, strengthening student services, and upgrading the University’s facilities and infrastructures. they have forged unprecedented levels of collaboration and partnership with the national and international institutions as part of our overall internationalization efforts.
Afghanistan National Institute of Music
ANIM provides a dynamic, challenging, and safe learning environment for all students regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religious sect, or socio-economic circumstances. We focus especially on supporting the most disadvantaged children in Afghanistan – orphans, street-working vendors and girls.
They AIM TO –
- Assure Musical Right
- Transform Lives through Music
- Revive and Preserve Afghan Music
- Train Future Music Educators
- Lead Cultural Diplomacy between Afghanistan and the International Community
Kateb University
Kateb University is a pioneering private institution in the field of higher education in Afghanistan. In 2007, during an official ceremony with the presence of a group of faculty members, representatives of the mass media, members of the parliament and groups of students in the auditorium at the Ministry of Higher Education, KU achieved its official permit. Kateb held its first University Entrance Test (UET) in 2007, with the presence of the Ministry of Higher Education’s Supervisory Committee, and 350 students from among the participants were admitted to enter Kateb University.
The number of students and teachers are increasing rapidly, in the year 2010, approximately 1200 students were studying at the University and in 2012 the number of students reached to 2005 students, in ten academic disciplines. This year, approximately 130 full-time and part-time instructors and teach at the University. In accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education, instructors only with Ph.D. and Masters’ degrees are granted to teach at Kateb University.
Herat University
As a prestigious national institution, Herat University seeks to train qualified staff in fundamental and applied sciences by increasing excellent quality and quantity in all areas through teaching, research, and service delivery to the community so that it becomes recognized as a top university nationwide.
Herat University has 16 faculties and 70 departments has been able to offer thousands of male and female specialists in different fields in society, that will always play a significant role in the scientific and development of the country.
Kabul Medical University
kabul medical university Aspires to be recognized nationally and regionally as a leader among academic health care organizations by cultivating a tradition of excellence and innovation in health care education, research and service.
kabul medical university mission is to create:
- Innovation in training and education
- A culture where scientific inquiry pervades research, patient care and education
- Collaboration across departments, school, faculties and institutions
- Constantly striving to improve the patient’s experience and quality of care
- Developing and adopting novel models of patient care
- Commitment to improving the health of local, provincial, and global population
Scholarships for Afghanistan Students
Kindly Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and let’s explore together these free scholarships for Afghanistan students made specifically for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][bs-mix-listing-1-1 title=”Scholarships for Afghanistan Students” icon=”” hide_title=”0″ heading_color=”” heading_style=”default” title_link=”” category=”” tag=”2199″ count=”8″ post_ids=”” offset=”” featured_image=”0″ ignore_sticky_posts=”1″ author_ids=”” disable_duplicate=”0″ time_filter=”” order=”DESC” order_by=”date” orderby_meta_key=”” orderby_meta_value_type=”CHAR” _name_1=”” post_type=”” taxonomy=”” _name_2=”” cats-tags-condition=”and” cats-condition=”in” tags-condition=”in” tabs=”” tabs_cat_filter=”” tabs_tax_filter=”” tabs_content_type=”deferred” paginate=”more_btn_infinity” pagination-show-label=”0″ pagination-slides-count=”3″ slider-animation-speed=”750″ slider-autoplay=”1″ slider-speed=”3000″ slider-control-dots=”off” slider-control-next-prev=”style-1″ bs-show-desktop=”1″ bs-show-tablet=”1″ bs-show-phone=”1″ custom-css-class=”” custom-id=”” override-listing-settings=”0″ listing-settings=”” bs-text-color-scheme=”” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]