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Top 46 Countries Nigerians can Travel to Without Visa in 2024

If you are a Nigerian citizen who possesses a national passport and is curious about the countries to which you are able to travel to without requiring a visa, your curiosity can be put to rest today.

There are several countries outside of Nigeria that do not require visitors to obtain a visa in order to enter or stay for a length of time.

On the other hand, some of these nations that do not require a visa for Nigerian citizens may even issue you a Visa on Arrival for a specific amount of time.

As a result, if you want to travel freely to a nation other than the countries we will be revealing today, you will need to research the visa requirements for that country.


Furthermore, many Nigerian Visa free countries only permit visitors to stay for a limited amount of time, traveling to one of these countries for educational purposes might need you to obtain a student visa.

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On the other hand, you could wish to pacify your craving for adventure without having to pay for a visa that isn’t necessary. Simply following our extensive list on the Top 46 Countries Nigerians can Travel to Without Visa can help you get closer to achieving your goal.

At this time, citizens of Nigeria can only visit 46 countries without a visa or obtain one upon arrival in these 46 countries. The vast majority of these countries may be found in the continent of Africa.


In the following paragraphs, you will find a list of the nations that do not require a visa to enter Nigeria. In addition, for clarity of understanding and navigation, we grouped these countries according to their respective continents.

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Countries Nigerians can Travel to Without Visa

According to the Henley Passport Index, the Nigerian passport is ranked 100th in terms of the freedom to travel in 2022/2023. This is due to the fact that Nigerians are only permitted entry into 46 countries without a visa or through visas obtained upon arrival. As the list is always being updated, Nigeria’s position on it could improve in the not-too-distant future.

You are now able to enter more countries without having to pay for a visa thanks to the proliferation of electronic visas. This is a forward-thinking practice that a number of African nations, such as Gabon, have adopted; however, they have not yet begun to issue visas upon arrival.

Having said that, the following is a list of the 46 countries that do not require a visa for citizens of Nigeria to enter.

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